Three Angels

I said to Jim, “You’re already into the community in your blog, but I’m not there yet.”  I will get to the subject of living here, but now I want to write about the three angels.  I was sitting here exhausted while Jim was out someplace on our first night here.  I could not get into the kitchen through the tower of unpacked boxes.  Nothing to eat.  There was a knock at the door.  A young woman handed me two meals from the Big House kitchen. (We call the main building the Big House.) I said, “You re an angel from heaven, thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me.”  I tried not to cry.  That’s when I knew we weren’t going to starve to death.  On the contrary, I am now trying to lose the weight I gained from chocolate croissants and moving stress.

The second angel was Debra.  I was passed out on the couch on the second day when the doorbell rang.  My next door neighbor was there with a welcome card and a gift for us.  We liked one another from the first minute we met.  I felt as though she could be my sister.  What a precious gift of welcome just when I was feeling quite lost.

The third angel visited to bring us all of the information for new residents. She is designated shepherd of our court. Every court has a shepherd who meets with management. She is a musician and we can play together! We are thinking about a Christmas program. We enjoyed meeting each other and I just gained another good friend. How blessed we are with two new couples who have already become good friends. We haven’t even been here a week yet. We were concerned that we would not meet anyone or make friends. They have helped us in ways they will never know.