Do not wait too long to make this move. It was clear that the house was too much for us. We weren’t even using all of the rooms. Jim struggled with the huge property summer and winter. The yard work was endless. We did not want either one of us to be left alone in our house. It was packed full along with a 2-car garage and an attic. No basement, thank God. Give away treasures, even jewelry, to family or friends who will enjoy them. Purge your stuff ruthlessly. I struggled with about 300 clothes hangers after the move. We brought too many towels and bedding. You will be so glad later that you got rid of so much useless weight. As for the auction, you will be lucky to break even after all the new things you will buy for your villa. Have you ever had to clean out a house after a loved one’s death? It is horrible. We refused to leave that last chapter for our family or children. No one should have to do that job. At least here there is a small space which makes it difficult to fill it with things you don’t need anymore. I did have to buy a pancake turner at the Dollar Store after the move. Be sure to take two with you.