Forest Wildlife


As I did stand my watch upon the hill,
I looked toward Birnam, and anon methought
The wood began to move.

Macbeth, Shakespeare
Act 5, Scene 5

We were so thrilled with the view in back of our villa.  We have a short expanse of grass bordering an old growth forest.  It was cold weather.  We were treated to a small herd of deer walking across the larger field every evening.  They were so lovely in the snow.  We also had Chippy, our resident chipmunk who sat on the same branch every day just outside our kitchen window.  There is no rose without thorns.  Our lovely forest harbors many forest critters.  I have seen thus far:  salamanders, mice (in our villa), a snake (came in the door and went right back outside) centipedes, large and small ants, spiders, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, chipmunks, tree frogs, roly-polys, mosquitoes and flies.  Last night the mousetrap under my bed snapped shut in the middle of the night.  I did not sleep well.  Jim said, “Well, look at that!”  NO, I don’t want to see it!  Prior to buying traps, there was a lot of running around while screaming.  But then….we have a beautiful, rare view.   We see many unusual birds. I refuse to be driven out by forest critters.

A Frightening Detour

A digression before I get to life in this place.  The day we came out to inspect our villa before signing the paperwork, a bad thing happened.  I experienced what we thought might be a stroke.  EMTs arrived, very hot ones as I recall, sick as I was.  Our local hospital just around the corner was on bypass because of COVID, so I had to be taken to a nearby town.  We spent the day there having endless tests.  We arrived home at 10:30 p.m. with no apparent ill effects and nothing wrong.  I had trouble swallowing for a few weeks, but no other symptoms.  Wine helped.  There were moments of terror and grief as I thought we had waited too long and the move was ruined.  Not so.  Here we are, Jim, Kiki and I on a hot summer day with the AC cooling our cozy, peaceful villa.