The Three Fates: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos

Greek statue

In Greek mythology, there were three Fates: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Clotho, the spinner, was the youngest of the three goddesses of fate; she spun the thread of fate with a distaff, determining when a person was born; Lachesis measured the length of the thread to determine the length of life; finally, the cruel Atropos cut the thread of life, determining the time of death.

Jim adjusted long before I accepted what we had done.  I think women have a harder time making a move to a retirement community.  All of the objects I had kept and protected all those years were gone.  Well, not all.  I took the things I could not live without.  Things….those with shelves or drawers because our new home would be very small.  All of the rest went to auction and away it all flew like down from a thistle.  Well, almost all.  Two days before turning the house keys over to the new owner, we were left with a TV cabinet that sold, but was never picked up.  We got rid of it by offering it to a vintage store free.  We even delivered it to him!

What can you expect from the stress?  Possibly a severe attack of hives, extreme sleepiness and a sense of living in an altered state for a while.  After the move, I slept….and slept…and napped…thereby proving to myself that I was truly old and belonged here.  Then without warning, the idea of a nap seemed rather dim-witted.  It was all part of adjusting.  Next I will tell you about two angels who came to my door, and how and why we made this decision.